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How To Have A More Productive Day

Good Morning Love, and welcome to episode 3 of "Inspire My Morning." I'm so excited that you're here!  Have you ever felt like a hamster inside of a wheel trying to get everything done in your day? Do you feel like you just can't keep up? Ever wish that there was more time to get things done? 

Well, I've had days where I wanted to just pause the time so I could catch up, but never had any real luck doing that. However, if you're feeling like a hamster in a wheel or you can't keep up in your day, don't sit around wishing you could pause the time, like I use to, just focus on being more productive with the time you have. 

How To Get More Done In A Day

Start Your Day Earlier: As mentioned in episode 2, the most successful people in the world wake up between 4-6 a.m. It's no secret that waking up earlier will help you have more hours to get things done in your day. When you're trying to have a more productive day the earlier you start it, the better leverage you can have on it. It's not just waking up early that makes all the difference, but it's how you spend the extra time that matters. You want to have a good morning routine that sets your day up for success. 

Make A List & Do The Hardest Things First: You'll have the most energy in the mornings. As the day dwindles down so does your energy. It's best to make a list of things that you want to accomplish in your day and do the most difficult things first while you have the most energy. If you have a term paper due or something detrimental to your progress, be sure to get that done first. Getting the hardest things done first will give you a sense of accomplishment and free up the additional energy used worrying about it. Once you've completed your most difficult tasks everything else will be a breeze.  

Create A Duplicatable System Of Action: That's right, start your morning with a repetitive routine. When you duplicate your routine each morning it requires less energy, stress, and anxiety from you. Some of the most successful people in the world, color-coordinate their clothes and have them automatically laid out so that they don't have to use energy thinking about what to wear. 

Extremists buy multiple copies of the exact same clothes so they can preserve energy in the mornings and use it for something else. Energy is a big deal! Having a system in place as to what you do each morning can allow you to get more things done in your day. Even if your tasks vary day to day, the order in which you prioritize them should be the same. For instance:
  • Wake up and be quiet for 30 minutes
  • Have a glass of water
  • Exercise or get moving
  • Shower
  • Eat breakfast
  • Take the child to school 
  • Check your email
  • Write a post
  • Work on school work
That's sort of my routine, but it's a good example of setting a duplicatable morning routine. Even though what I write or eat or wear may be different, the order in which I do things remain the same.

It's crazy how much I get done in one day. Unbelievable!

Don't panic if life knocks you out of your routine, take a deep breath, and pick up wherever you are. The more you force your mind, will, emotions, and actions to align with what you want to accomplish in your day, the more you will get done.

If you don't create a system of duplication . . .  you'll want to do one thing, your mind will want to do another thing, and your emotions will be in disarray because you're out of alignment with getting anything done.  

Focus On One Task At A Time:  This is probably the most difficult of all the steps to having a more productive day. Focus is detrimental to your productivity and your energy bucks. Even I struggle with this one. But I've found that being aware of when I'm unfocused is key to getting back in focus.

For instance, I'm writing this post, my mind wants to be in the shower, cleaning the house, completing my outline for a school paper, and even writing on another blog.

I have to take a deep breath and gently remind myself that I have a set time to get all those things done. This is "Inspire My Morning Time." You can do the same thing. Focus on one thing at a time. If you're having your morning meditation time, don't allow your mind to wander into the cares of the day.

Force it to remain in the moment. If you're taking your child to school, don't allow your mind to force you into thinking about work, remain in that precious moment with your child. Gently remind yourself that you have a specific time for work and this "ain't" it. 

Starting your day earlier,  making a list, and focusing on one task at a time can help you to get more done in your day. You'll find yourself having more energy and having a more productive day.

Thanks For Reading! 

Listen To Today's Episode Below. CLICK HERE To Listen To Previous Episodes & To Take Inspire My Morning On the Go. 

To Your Success . . .


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