Good morning love and welcome to episode 2 of Inspire My Morning! I'm so excited that you're here. Today is all about some ways you can build a good morning routine.
Having A Good Morning Routine Is The Ultimate Secret To An Incredible Day
Isn't it great when you have an ahh-so-amazing day because you've gotten a lot accomplished and you're feeling on top of the world? Yet, it's equally disappointing when you wake up the next day and get absolutely nothing done. Without a morning ritual, your days will fluctuate between good and bad and you will not have control over which pick of the draw you'll get.
Wake-Up Early: it's no secret that winners wake up early. You're going to get the most out of your day when you start it between 4 & 6 a.m. This allows you an hour or two to be selfish and focus on what's important to you. This is the time for you and no one else. Take advantage of it!
Drink Water: there are tons of studies that reveal the benefits of drinking water first thing in the morning. Water hydrates your body and your brain. It increases blood flow. In fact, cold water boost your metabolism. Another benefit of water in the morning is that it flushes toxins from your body. You'll have an overall sense of well-being. If you want to increase the benefits of drinking water in the morning, add some lemon. Lemon elevates your mood and brings your body into PH balance.
Move Your Body: I've told you before that I'm not currently working out in the mornings. However, I do clean up a bit. That's my way of moving my body and getting energized for my day. You don't have to have a super rigorous routine, but it does help if you move around a bit at the beginning of the day. You could take a walk with the dog, do a short workout using YouTube or a simple phone app, or simply clean up. Just get moving in the mornings.
Eat Breakfast & Take Your Vitamins: You're going to expect a lot out of your body today. Therefore, be sure that you give it what it needs to perform on all cylinders. Could you imagine driving your car with no gas or water or oil? In the same sense, if you want your body to drive you at the optimal speed today give it fuel.
Map Out What You Want To Accomplish Today: What do you need to get done today? Sometimes it helps when you write it down. You may have a long list at first, but circle the top 3 things that you need to do today. Sometimes holding your "to-do list" in your mind slows your mental operational system down. Write it on paper to release it from your mind. You'll quickly see how much brain space it frees up.
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To Your Success . . .
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