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How To Have More Balance In Your Day

Good Morning Love, and welcome to episode 4 of "Inspire My Morning." I'm so excited that you're here! This morning we will focus on finding balance in your day. I know that the popular phrase is how to find balance in your life, but let's chunk that concept down into finding stability in your day.

Honestly, if you can find balance in your day,  there's a better chance that you'll find balance in your week, and your year. The idea of "life" is much too broad and can make you feel overwhelmed. So, let's take it day by day ok?

This fast-paced society can make you feel out of sync fast. There are so many things being thrown at you from every single angle. That's why understanding your energy and having a good morning routine is key to finding balance and getting things accomplished in your day.

Here are some ways to find balance in your day

Break Big Goals Down Into Smaller Pieces:
one reason you may feel off balance is that you're carrying around too many big goals. You'd be surprised at how silly the Big Goals you place on yourself are. For example, you may have years of stuff piled up in your garage. Every time you enter the garage your subconscious mind creates this goal that you need to get rid of all the things you don't need and clean out your freaking garage. You begin to put yourself down and wonder how you let it get that bad. These big goals set by your subconscious mind can add additional pressure to your already strained day and make you feel off balance.

Here's the thing, you yourself aren't out of balance, but your perception is . . . you can reframe that subconscious thought about your garage and chuck the goal down into smaller pieces. The next time you step into your garage you could say, "Boy I've been really busy to let things pile up like this, Oh well; I can take small steps like cleaning out these filing cabinets, over the weekend so I can start working towards getting this place organized."

After you've reframed your perception and chunked down the big goal of cleaning the whole garage into a smaller goal of cleaning out the file cabinets over the weekend, write it down and schedule a time to do it. Once you put it on your schedule, you can stabilize your mind and find balance in what you need to focus on today.

You can apply chunking to any Big Goal such as I need to lose all this extra weight. That's too big. If you put that much pressure on yourself to achieve a huge goal like that, you may go to extreme and dangerous measures to accomplish that Big Goal fast.

Perhaps, you can chuck that goal down to "I need to take a step towards getting healthier, and I can replace one meal with a healthy shake and walk one mile 3 times a week."

Now you can feel good about your goal and it seems achievable. When your goals are reachable, you feel more balanced and on task.  Try chunking today. If you get a Big idea that overwhelms you and throws you out of balance, break it down into smaller pieces so you can actually achieve it.

Say No: You probably suffer from "having a big heart syndrome." Yep, it's easy to get wrapped up in emotions and commit yourself to a lot of things at once. Having big heart syndrome can easily throw your entire day out of balance.

I was that person. I would commit myself to all sorts of things. I use to run myself ragged and then I'd be exhausted and irritated when it was time to get things done at home. Until one day, I realized that I'm a single mom. My number one obligation is too minor son and not all these other things I was trying to do. Being that he was already one parent short, he really needed me to be there for him.

This is very personal, and I'm nearly in tears as I write this, because I had to let go of some things. Yet, I had to make a choice. Do I choose my son who desperately needs me or all these other things that I'm trying to do? It's that simple.

What is important to you? Is your marriage important? Are your children important? Do you need your business or job to pay your bills? What are you allowing to take you away from what's really important?

When you fail to say no when it's necessary, something else very important gets thrown out of balance, and the price for that might be more than you want to pay.

It's ok to say yes when you can. I usually take the time to pray about saying yes to big commitments, and I consider if I have the energy bucks left over for the smaller ones.

Truthfully, we all should give back in some way because it's our responsibility as human beings, but we shouldn't give more than we have and throw our lives out of balance trying to be superman or superwoman. We are superhuman and that's all we can be.

Un-Plug From The Matrix: just because something is happening doesn't mean it deserves your attention. Honestly, you can only focus on a few things each day. You simply cannot respond to every text, email, inbox message, social media post, or problem that is going on in the world.

What do you need to get done today? Focus on that. That may require you to log out of social media, email, and even put your phone on silent answering only necessary calls. If you continue to look at every text and everything people post on social media, you're going to get distracted from the things that you need to accomplish in your day.

Remember, a day leads to a week, which leads to a month, which leads to a year which shapes the next 5 years of your life. Every day counts!

 Every last thing you respond to in your day costs you energy. What are you responding to? What is that costing you?

Too much stimulation in a day can throw you out of balance. The truth is 50% or more of the stuff you're paying attention to is probably unnecessary. If you could eliminate the unnecessary stuff and focus on what's necessary, you could get more accomplished and have a more balanced day.

Chunking down your Big Goals into smaller ones, saying no when it's necessary, and unplugging yourself from the matrix of everything that's happening can help you have a balanced day which will lead to a more balanced life!

Thanks For Reading! 

Listen To Today's Episode Below. CLICK HERE To Listen To Previous Episodes & To Take Inspire My Morning On the Go. 


To Your Success


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