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How To Wake Up Feeling Refreshed

Good Morning Love, and welcome to episode 7 of  "Inspire My Morning"  
I'm so excited that you're here! This morning we will focus on how to wake up feeling refreshed. 

Honestly, a refreshing morning begins with a restful night. 

Based on various sleep studies, you should get 4, 6, or 8 hours of sleep each night. Experts say you should keep the 4 hours to a minimum and aim for 6-8. Truthfully, getting enough rest is an essential part of feeling refreshed in the morning.

Night prep is very helpful to a refreshing morning. This means, laying out the clothes you'll wear the next day, pre-packing lunch items, and even having some idea as to what's for dinner.

After prepping for the next day, you should log out of social media, set your phone to silent, and shut down digital devices so you can calm down and enter a restful state.

Take advantage of the night and choose not to worry about tomorrow according to Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Meaning, no matter how big your problems are, don't spend all night worrying about them. If you happen to be blessed with another day, don't consume your morning worrying about what's going to happen in it.

Upon waking, don't forget to take some deep breaths and center yourself. Spend a few minutes in prayer or meditation as discussed in episode 2. Allow yourself that selfish time to talk to God about things you may be facing in your day and ask for help.  This does not mean hitting the snooze button, but rather centering your energy to get up. Get spiritual guidance and wisdom for your day.

Grab a glass of water to hydrate your body and mind after sleeping. Once you've had a glass of water, get moving. Regardless of the day ahead, do your morning routine. If you have a lot of stressful tasks ahead, it's easy to want to lay in bed and avoid them. Don't allow yourself to do that. GET UP because "greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." Your day will turn out greater than you expected.

Make a decision that your day will be great and walk in that. When negative emotions try to come in and grab your refreshing morning, decide that no matter what, you're going to have a great day. Combat negative emotions by taking a shower and adding some essential oils to the steam. You can pour 2 drops of peppermint oil into the floor of your shower. The steam from the shower and the smell of the peppermint oil will help you feel awake, refreshed, and will put you in a better mood. You can also add a touch of lemon oil to your lotion and apply it after your shower for a bigger mood enhancer.

Remember to take your vitamins and eat something. Even if it's just a scrambled egg or a protein shake, fuel your body for the day ahead.

Ultimately, waking up feeling refreshed is a choice. You will not always have a perfect night or favorable conditions to face on your new day. However, you're blessed that you have the opportunity to see it, so make it a great day anyway.

Thanks For Reading! 

 Today's Episode Will Be Uploaded Soon. CLICK HERE To Listen To Previous Episodes & To Take Inspire My Morning On the Go. 

To Your Success . . .


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