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Disengage And Refocus Your Mental Energy

Good Morning Love, and welcome to episode 11 of  "Inspire My Morning"  
I'm so excited that you're here! This morning we will focus on how to disengage and refocus your mental energy!

Your daily lifestyle is probably all about to go, go, go. From the time you wake up in the morning until the time you fall asleep at night, you're being stimulated by life. 

The phone is ringing, social media is buzzing, and the expectations of life is growing. Regardless of much, you get done in a day it's never enough. Just when you think you have a moment a friend asks for a favor. It never stops!

Your body is constantly giving you internal messages that it's overstressed and about to give out, but what do you do about it? 

Well, if you're like most people, you find a way to medicate the symptoms and continue to push yourself to the max. You do this by using over-the-counter or subscription drugs to help you cope. You may even drink more coffee or guzzle down energy drinks to push your body past its max. 

Yet, truthfully, you don't need another pill, another energy drink, or another peep talk, what you need is to disengage. 

Disengaging is sort of like the reset method that I discussed in episode 8, but it's a little more drastic. When you disengage you literally cut off everything except the most critical aspects of your day-to-day existence.


Step 1: Log out of social media completely. Really, just log out and don't engage with it for as long as you deem necessary. As a blogger, this is hard to do because I need to access social media to post content. That is why I have auto-posting software that will post to my major social media sites without me having to log in. 

If I must log in to my Facebook Fan page during my disengagement period, I try to do it when everybody is asleep. I literally ignore the red flashing light of messages, go directly to my Fan-page, and auto-set my posts, for a set number of days, on a timer all at one time. 

Step 2: Allow all of your calls to go to voicemail. Literally! See what people want before you answer the phone. Why? Because you're overworked, overwhelmed, and about to have a system shutdown if you don't disengage. Your body has been telling you this for a while but you will not listen. Those people who are blowing your phone up will figure out how to get along in life if you die from stress. Therefore, unless it's something you've got to do right now, just allow those problems and situations to exist without your input. 

Step 3: Rest. Give yourself permission to be lazy but active in refueling yourself. Think about what refuels you and what energizes you. Even though you should take some naps and have a few early nights during your disengagement period, it doesn't mean all you can do is sleep. 

For instance, there are a few things that refuel me such as sleep, silence, walking, prayer, reading, and listening to positive messages. During my disengagement periods, I do all those things. I'm purposely quiet some days while others, I might jump on the treadmill and walk for an hour while listening to podcasts and power messages. I might just lay in bed and pray or just go to sleep because I can. 

Step 4: Detox or increase nutrition. During your time of disengagement, drink more water, take your supplements, eat more greens, and do whatever you can to rid yourself of toxins and impurities. 

Doing this will help you have a renewed sense of peace and well-being. You will feel more restored and rejuvenated too. 

Step 5: Listen to your internal messages. What messages are you receiving eternally? What is your body saying to you? What is your life saying to you? Try to write down ideas and healing messages it's sending to you as it's trying to help you with your journey in life. 


There are so many benefits of disengaging. Honestly, one major one could be the prevention of serious diseases like heart attacks or stressed induced cancer. Did you know that stress weakens your immune system making you more susceptible to disease?   Your body is sending you these messages to shut it down because it's trying to heal you or reset you to prevent harm to you. LISTEN!

Do not ignore these warning signs. If people love you they will understand that you need to step away for a while. 

Other benefits to disengaging are renewed energy and elevated focus. When you disengage, you're allowing your body to power up or charge its battery. Once you're recharged and renewed you can focus on those things that are most important to you.


When you need to disengage you may find it hard to do simple things. You may even discover that you're feeling stuck in your life too. Things, like responding to a question, take you twice as long to do because you're overwhelmed. You may feel confused about the direction you're going in life and be questioning your purpose too. Disengagement is a way to wheel it in and get re-energized.  

Thanks for reading! You can listen to Today's Episode below; CLICK HERE to listen to previous episodes. 


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