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How To Overcome Morning Anxiety

Good Morning Love, and welcome to episode 6 of "Inspire My Morning." I'm so excited that you're here! This morning we will focus on how to overcome morning anxiety. Anxiety is a real issue that so many people face. Sometimes it's necessary to get diagnosed by a doctor and get prescribed medication. 

If you find yourself experiencing sharp pain, blurred vision, or dizziness from too much anxiety, consult your physician. 

Yet, on a more common note, you may find yourself experiencing some anxiety in the morning because it's the moment you realize that the day has started and you're not prepared for it. 

This may be the day that you have additional things to do. You may have to pay bills or have a teacher-parent conference or a doctor's appointment on top of a full schedule. 

However, you can combat the more common battles with anxiety quicker than you think. 

If your day has started and you're not prepared for it, take a deep breath and sit still for about a minute. Get in control of your emotions and your time. If you woke up late, quickly access the most important parts of your morning routine, and start there. 

You might have to skip a big portion of your routine if you have a child that must get to school or a job you need to clock into. 

However, do not speak any negative words regardless of how off-balance you feel.

Gently speak and work yourself back into a balanced morning. You can say, "wow I woke up late, but thank God I have 10 minutes before I need to leave." Then work those 10 minutes by doing the necessary things that will get your morning back on track.

This is called raising your vibration. Raising your vibration is literally, taking a really low emotional energy up to a higher one through small bursts of positive reinforcement. 

For example, you wake up feeling anxious. You're running behind and you can't find anything. You're feeling overwhelmed. 

Let's raise the emotion of feeling anxious to a higher vibration: Wow, I'm feeling some nervous energy, but I'm so glad that I can spend 60 seconds taking some deep breaths and calming down. 

I'm truly grateful that God has given us a word for this feeling that we should "be anxious for nothing but in all things supplication & prayer."

Let's raise the vibration of running behind. Man, I usually have an hour to get ready in the mornings, but today I only have 10 minutes. 

I'm so glad that I woke up in time to brush my teeth, wash my face, and utilize my other hygiene products before leaving. 

It's unfortunate that I will not be able to do my good morning routine today, but I'm going to adjust my schedule so that I can truly enjoy it tomorrow. 

Let's raise the vibration of feeling overwhelmed. It's merely impossible to get ready in 10 minutes, but if I stick to only the things I must do to get going, I can do it. 

I may not get to wear what I want or look how I normally do, but it's still going to be a good day. 

If you're having anxiety today because you've got additional things to do, then accept that you have to do them. You'll have to revert back to that priority list that we discussed in episode 2. 

What's more important? Try being thankful for all the days that you didn't have additional things to do and you could do what you wanted. 

Raise your vibration by saying, I'm glad I'm getting these very important things done so that I can be more focused when my schedule gets back to normal. 

Another reason that you can feel anxious is not enough sleep, financial strain, and poor core beliefs.

When you don't get enough sleep, you wake up feeling deprived. The day is started and you're not rested or prepared for it. You may feel frustrated and torn between wanting to go back to bed or starting your day. 

This inner conflict can linger through most of your day. You'll have to confront it and take responsibility for not giving your body enough rest. Sometimes you may need to just suck it up and make a commitment to do better at getting to bed earlier next time. 

Financial strain is a major anxiety booster, it can make you feel hopeless and completely stressed out. When you can't meet your financial obligations it's a very bad feeling and it can cause you to worry uncontrollably. 

However, when you spend too much time worrying, you're less productive in finding a solution. Unfortunately, you'll have to fight through the pain of financial discomfort while believing that "God will provide all of your needs according to His riches & glory through Christ Jesus." 

I've had to work while homeless, while under tremendous pressures of disconnect notices, while not knowing where my next meal was going to come from. I'm not telling you something I heard; I'm telling you something I know. 

Yet, you cannot spend today worrying about tomorrow. TAKE MASSIVE ACTION! Work each day towards making your financial situation better. You may need to increase your value in the marketplace, which will take time and planning. You may need to find other ways to supplement your income, or you may even need to go back to school. 

In the process, you may lose some stuff, but take responsibility for that. Do not blame anyone else for what you lost, but focus on making sure you never lose again. 

Whatever that process looks like for you, endure it, because if you don't your financial situation might never change or could even get worse. 

Do the work necessary to change your life. Do not quit in the face of adversity. Just keep swimming towards a better existence! 

If you have poor core beliefs, they can lead you to believe a lie. Point blank, stinking thinking leads to a stinking life. Les Brown said, "your best thinking has landed you exactly where you are today, " meaning, if you want to have a better life, you've got to change the information that you're receiving so you can develop some new philosophies about it. 

Your core belief system began developing the day you were conceived. The feeling your mother had and the beliefs she conceived in you are still present. Some of the things you think and feel aren't even your own ideas but they stem from a deeper place. 

In essence, some of your anxiety isn't relevant to your life today. They are simply triggered by some deep-rooted belief from yesterday. You have to do the work to change stubborn belief systems that no longer serve you. 

You can do this by engaging in personal development for 30-60 minutes a day. Schedule prayer time where you meet with God about your life and allow a greater power to help you understand how to view it. Engage in profession-related growth and development so that you can excel in your work with a new mindset towards it. Committing to the positive development of a better you can transform your life.

However, if you do not tame, trim, and steer your core beliefs, you'll find yourself feeling anxious and overwhelmed about the direction in which your life is going. This feeling can consume your mornings and make your days miserable. 

You need to know what you believe and why you believe it. You need to have some core philosophies that drive your life so that you're not experiencing anxiety about things stemmed from past belief systems.

Anxiety is a real issue that many people face. It can be overwhelming and stressful. It can make you feel hopeless and lost. However, that feeling is a lie. You are not hopeless and you are not lost. The truth is you have more power over anxiety than you may be leveraging right now. Just find out what's causing the anxiety and cut it at the root. No matter how difficult your life is right now. You can change it one morning and one day at a time. 

Thanks For Reading! 

Listen To Today's Episode Below. CLICK HERE To Listen To Previous Episodes & To Take Inspire My Morning On the Go. 


To Your Success . . . 


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